Onboarding: Common issues and how to fix them
The following article addresses some of the common issues we see, and how to fix them. You may see one of the following screens:

This usually means one of a few issues:
The organization you are trying to connect to doesnt exist. Be conscious of the org name you input. Load up your Azure Devops organization homepage in the tab next to Backrightup. Check that you are copying the correct org name from that tab (as per below screenshot - replace 'acmeorg' with your organization name)

The text you put in the "Organization" textbox MUST match this:

If you have your organization name correct (step 1 above), try to onboarding from an incognito window:

Open a NEW incognito window. FIRST log into Azure Devops with your account you require to authenticate with
Go to your permissions. This will be under https://dev.azure.com/[YOUR-ORG-NAME]/_settings/groups (replace [YOUR-ORG-NAME] with your org name)
Make sure the user you are logged in as is in the "Project Collection Administrator" group. The user MUST be in this group.

In the SAME incognito session, please login to Backrightup and go to the onboarding page:
Please check that when you click "Connect" button on the onboarding page, that on the next page the correct user (the one that you just added to the Project Collection Administrator group) is shown. It SHOULD be the user you logged into Azure Devops with. Please also click "Accept" at the bottom of the page

a) IP Restrictions (Disable Azure Active Directory Conditional Access Policy)
You can setup IP restrictions on your Azure Devops Tenant by enabling the Azure Active Directory Conditional Access Policy. Please check that you are not restricting access via IP Address otherwise Backrightup may not be able to connect.
b) Third-party application access via OAuth (Enabled)
We connect via oAuth as this is safest for all parties - using rotational keys expiring every hour. Please enable this for Backrightup to work
The service account needs at least a Basic user licence. Stakeholder access won't work:

If you have done the above steps correctly and you cannot onboarding, please reach out to us so we can do a video call and help you

This usually means one of a few issues:
1. Organization does not exist
The organization you are trying to connect to doesnt exist. Be conscious of the org name you input. Load up your Azure Devops organization homepage in the tab next to Backrightup. Check that you are copying the correct org name from that tab (as per below screenshot - replace 'acmeorg' with your organization name)

The text you put in the "Organization" textbox MUST match this:

2. Incorrect Session or Incorrect permissions assigned
If you have your organization name correct (step 1 above), try to onboarding from an incognito window:

Open a NEW incognito window. FIRST log into Azure Devops with your account you require to authenticate with
Go to your permissions. This will be under https://dev.azure.com/[YOUR-ORG-NAME]/_settings/groups (replace [YOUR-ORG-NAME] with your org name)
Make sure the user you are logged in as is in the "Project Collection Administrator" group. The user MUST be in this group.

In the SAME incognito session, please login to Backrightup and go to the onboarding page:
Please check that when you click "Connect" button on the onboarding page, that on the next page the correct user (the one that you just added to the Project Collection Administrator group) is shown. It SHOULD be the user you logged into Azure Devops with. Please also click "Accept" at the bottom of the page

3. Apps not allowed or IP restrictions

a) IP Restrictions (Disable Azure Active Directory Conditional Access Policy)
You can setup IP restrictions on your Azure Devops Tenant by enabling the Azure Active Directory Conditional Access Policy. Please check that you are not restricting access via IP Address otherwise Backrightup may not be able to connect.
b) Third-party application access via OAuth (Enabled)
We connect via oAuth as this is safest for all parties - using rotational keys expiring every hour. Please enable this for Backrightup to work
4. User has incorrect license assigned
The service account needs at least a Basic user licence. Stakeholder access won't work:

If you have done the above steps correctly and you cannot onboarding, please reach out to us so we can do a video call and help you
Updated on: 24/04/2024
Thank you!